Wednesday, September 12, 2007


apologies to faithful readers who have emailed and asked "what's up"
I went back to Beverly MA - my birthplace to visit sisters and brother....5 out of 6 of us were i took a break from posting. it was exhausting to travel and unlike when i'm home i didn't rest every day so my body is screaming with fatigue and pain. The joint pain from the Polymyalgia Rheumtica and drug side effect flared up. All i want to do is sleep.
i did have a wonderful time along with the melancholy and sadness that always overpowers me when i am there.... as in any family, issues from the past and present can bring on emotional pain and helplessness...
my pefect joy of the trip was Alamo's rental car.....i signed up for the least expensive economy car and look what awaited me in the lot...!!!@!!!!! a PT Cruiser
i was overwhelmed and overjoyed with excitment as i have always wanted a convertible....the weather was perfect the whole time and i never had the top up night or day..... !!!!!!! why have a convertible with a top up ?????!!!!
I reconnected with a couple of high school and college friends which was fun....
being away was theraputic and now the reality of physical therapy and healing is back on a daily basis.
the lymphedema behaved - swelled more on the plane but faithfully wore the damn glove and sleeve every day.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's me in the back seat!! What fun we had during our visit, me from Florida, you from California. So nice to all be together sharing and caring. I loved it. Geri