Saturday, January 13, 2007

NOT YET.....

well today wasn't the turnaround day.....didn't even walk....anxiety seems to grow with each day...
this just plain SUCKS.....


Anonymous said...

Hi Eileen, We hear your misery. You look lovely in your wig, and I'm sure lovely without it. You are a wonderful person, and that's the best lovely of all. We think of you all the time. Love Bill and Mary.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Eileen. I hope today is a better day than yesterday for you. Stick you nose out your back door and enjoy some of the outside air that is in your beautiful backyard. I hope some of your beautiful roses are still blooming. That could be the beauty for you to enjoy today. You're doing great! You will be well.

Anonymous said...

I wish that all this would go away for you... but it won't. You just have to wade through it day by day...easy for me to say, I know. I'm thinking about you and praying and sending vibes and energy. And it's almost 5pm and the sun is still shining... a little more each day.