Friday, January 12, 2007


The day after a chemo treatment I return for a shot called Neulasta. It is given to chemo patients to keep the white blood cells from depleting as a result of chemo.
You have probably seen the ad on TV as it is on a lot.....
Unfortunately, one of the side effects is "moderate to severe back pain".
Well that part has been creeping up and is full blown today. The heating pad is getting a workout.
I did get to go to lunch today to celebrate a good friend's birthday. Halfway thru the lunch I had them box my meal as I ran out of energy to even eat. I also was too tired for dessert ! which amazed me and my friends.Now that's tired......


PJ said...

Wow, you're some kinda tired when even chewing is too much work!

I'm so glad you had a chance to get out and about, even if it was just for a while.


Anonymous said...

Good for you for listening to your body and caring for it. It's important to make an effort to get out and to also get rest when you need it. Hugs to you...