Tuesday, May 15, 2007


i did go back to the ymca cancer recovery program on mon. and the damn machines..... did less on each machine but still got really worn out and didn't feel good all evening....
i will go a few more times before i decide if it is the right thing for me to be doing right now...i will try again tomorrow....and will try to take it easy.... those machines are really intimidating....
but i did do 15 lbs with the leg press !!!


Anonymous said...

When you are struggling with the machines, remember your favorite exercise -- dancing and how much you want to get back to that.

Persevere!!!!!!!!!as you struggle with the machines, remember why you are doing them! (or, as it sometimes feels like, they are doing you!)

Love, meg

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think you are trying to hard and that maybe you should let your body heal without putting it through any more stress. I might be wrong, probably am, but that's my story and I'm stickin' to it! Love you, Geri

Anonymous said...

Every little bit helps Eileen. Before I left Florida I went to a dance at our club and I was thinking of you because I was on my feet all night dancing. I did ache the next day but I felt alright. Your day will come.

Love ya