Wednesday, May 28, 2008

More on Lymphedema

today during treatment with my physical therapist who does MLD* on my arm and breast, she worked a little on my upper arm which is somewhat fibrotic and is really painful.... sometimes the pain is my upper arm is excrutiating and she told me today that fibrotic pain on a scale of 1 to 10 is a 12 !!! so at least i know i'm not crazy !!!!!
one more day...............the mountain to climb is still here.....

*( Manual Lymphatic Drainage - a unique, therapeutic method of stimulating the movement of fluids in the tissues. The gentle, rhythmic, pumping, massage movements follow the direction of lymph flow and produce rapid results. It assists the cutaneous lymphatics in picking up and removing not just fluids, but all the waste products, protein particles and debris from our system. It also is successful in breaking fibrosis and fibrotic areas of a lymphodemous limb.)


Stephanie C. said...

MLD, Jovipak, compression hose, daily wraps...ah yes, I know that life well. I just found your blog. I have the nasty "L" in my left leg. I sure do not enjoy summer time.

Thanks for writing about your experiences in your blog.

Stephanie C. said...
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