Monday, January 15, 2007


Today I presided at a burial rite at the cemetery in Santa Clara and did it with grace and strength. It took all I had to get dressed and get there and back pain is an standing for any length of time is a stretch and I DID IT !!!!!
I breathed and called on inner strength and the 1/2 hour ceremony went off without a hitch.
There were about 30 people present and they all loved it.
The fact that I was able to use my creativity and passion lifted my spirits.
Hope I have more chances for such experiences during this healing time....
Another baby step.....


Anonymous said...

Hurrah for you for sure!!! That took guts!! as well as strength and courage! Good for you! Sending lots of love, though it seems you are overflowing from yesterday's visitors!!

Anonymous said...

I see the strength shining through in your photo. Love you...