Saturday, January 06, 2007


this afternoon I had an interview with a couple for a summer weddding...was nervous as i'm very tired and pretty weepy today....
first wearing of the wig...I hope I fooled them.....
I got through it....
have a headache from the chemo which i had after the 1st treatment so the wig is pretty uncomfortable now..... i suppose i'll get used to it....
i much prefer being around the house with no head covering...


Anonymous said...

You look wonderful. The wig is great looking but you know, it's that marvelous smile and the twinkle in your eye that is your real beauty. You don't need wigs & hats to cover anything. You are a beautiful person. I love you.

Anonymous said...

Great Wig!!!... in fact, at first I thought you were doing a "before"'s very VERY much like you!!!

Good for you for going on your appointment - wig, headache, chemo and all! The spirit is with you for sure!!! Much love!

Deirdre said...

Wow. The wig is actually very attractive, Eileen. But: so is the hat. I've got a feeling that whether it's a wig, a hat, a scarf, or nothing at all, you are just as loveable as ever. Your boldness is admirable.

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful - inside and out! Sending you hugs and kisses. I love you!