Monday, February 26, 2007


how can a plate of asparagus
be cause for dismay?
i so was craving fresh asparagus
and pasta
so thought i'd try
my first attempt at cooking in 2 weeks
a pot of boiling water
and a quick stir fry....
it's over
and tasted wonderful
but the process wore me down to a frazzle
a heavy pot and 1 arm don't go together
so i improvise the lifting of the pasta
from the water
cutting for stir fry
it's over
and tasted wonderful
wobbly and weak
it's over and was wonderful....
1 tiny step
or backward?
as it landed me down, down, down once more


Anonymous said...

My mouth waters every time I look at your asparagus!! I know it's freshly grown in California. Ours comes from Chile!! I know it took a miracle to get it cooked but you did enjoy it! I love you, Geri

Anonymous said...

How you can get excited about asparagus is beyond me!! Now cauliflower or even brussel sprouts would make more sense to me! To each her own, hm?!?

Wish I could see you, but at this time between us we have 0 good shoulders. Both mine are in spasm and pain. I am driving as little as possible because of that.
Sending you love, Maureen