Saturday, February 17, 2007


they tell you there'll be leg pain
"moderate to severe"
different for everyone.....
they didn't tell me about the pelvic pain
that can go along with it
grabbing me around the middle and down the legs
takes my breath away
so more tears
more drugs
and more prayers
that i can get thru this day


cjereneta said...

That sounds just awful.

Anonymous said...

oh my that sounds terrible... awful. I'm so sorry these symptoms didn't skip you. I hope that each day brings you closer to the end of this suckyness. It just plain is rotten to get through!

Anonymous said...

Eileen, you are in my thoughts and my prayers. Yes I pray. I pray like hell for all of us. I pray that the universe will be kinder to all those in physical and mental pain, I pray for you, I pray for me. I love you, Geri

Anonymous said...

Eileen, I am thiking about you costantly. I know what you are going through and on top of it the broken shoulder. You will make it but after alot of tears. Love and prayers


Anonymous said...

Your strong spirit shows everyday.....even with the tears. Everytime you feel pain, know that you are loved one hundred times stronger....hang in there! Aloha nui loa.