Tuesday, July 17, 2007


I've had a rough couple of days fighting fatigue probably due to my overdoing it in general.
I drove to S.F. sunday - the longest drive so far and yesterday took my first dance lesson in 9 months !!!! The 45 minutes was very difficult as the Polymyalgia is acting up and the cancer prevention medicine for the next 5 years causes joint pain and the broken shoulder pain is still pretty strong...so i've been sleeping 11-12 hours and still don't want to get up..... I'm not sure how long the fatigue from radiation lasts.....i hope its' over soon....
the yard and the house are very cluttered with things to sort and put away and i just can't get to it.....
and the heat doesn't help...
so today is my day to whine......and not feel good all over....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, whining is good! Clears the bad air!! Glad you are getting out and doing stuff even if you are dragging. You're on your way out of the fog! I love you, Geri