the pain seems to be getting worse....yesterday i resorted to real pain pills....
so seeing my little guys took my mind off the pain...
i went to oakland friday to play with Ben while C&C did some last minute chores before leaving for the airport....
ben decided he wanted to take his baby in the stroller to the playground which is down a steep hill and around a corner...running to keep up with him was quite a challenge but we made it and spent most of the time building sand mountains which allowed me to sit in the shade. I called chris to come and get us so we wouldn't need to climb the hill....Ben needed a wash down with the hose a we really got into the sand....
unfortunately the weather in MN is wet and rainy so they've had to be in gramma and grampa's house a lot....
sunday i went to berkeley to play with ronan and liam while mom and dad did some errands.
they had all spent a week at music camp so i was treated to some clowning routines that tim taught ronan....he was hysterical ...liam was content with his baseball bat.....
little boys sure do bring magic to my heart and sore body.....