Saturday, August 11, 2007


every day at least a few people comment to me..."aren't you glad it's over"
but the reality is....... it isn't.
true the horror of chemo and radiation is past but the residual effects and side effects of drugs are still very much with me....
i don't know a day without pain....the broken shoulder pain is still very much alive....
a side effect of Arimidex (the 5 yr drug to prevent recurrence ) causes joint pain which somedays is pretty severe and the PMR pain which I already had is raising its ugly head.
I am trying to dance but it can become excrutiating - but i'm sticking with it so i won't become "frozen" in all my hope is that one of these days i will be pain free but right now it feels unlikely...
so the "it's over" part is far from the truth......

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