Tuesday, October 09, 2007

the day after the stone

i am pretty tired and feeling beat up....the laser surgery was short but the before and after seemed endless...thankfully Christopher was able to sit with me for the hour and a half "prep" time....the dr was late so the time was longer than usual. Being wheeled into the operating room was traumatic as it triggered all kinds of fears and anxiety.... I was only there a couple of hours - christine picked me up to come home and EAT..... i hadn't had anything since dinner sunday and this was 4 p.m......
The put a stent in my bladder to keep it open - hopefully that comes out thurs....i'm pretty sore and uncomfortable and way past tired....i wasn't able to sleep last nite..went to bed at 9:30 and at 5:30 a.m. was still tossing and turning.... some due to pain - some due to the taking my prednisone late as i couldn't take it til everything was over....plus they put extra steroids in my IV......i hope i cans sleep today....
am on an antibiotic to prevent infection....
dr appt on thurs so hope that he confirms that everything is OK....
separately my lymphedema has really swelled up - not sure what that's about...
one of these days i hope to be able to say -
wow - i feel great today - able to feel life as i knew it.......
that day is not today......


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that you had such a hard time with the pre and post surgery. I was thinking about you yesterday. I am glad that it is over for you and yes someday you will be able to say "I feel great".

Love you

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that it's over and you are once again on your way back to recovery. What a year you've had. Your horoscope for this year must have said, "don't go there"!!!! I love you, Geri

Anonymous said...

Hi Auntie, You are always in my prayers! Stay strong and keep the faith. I love you and miss you