Saturday, January 19, 2008

wonderful link

i do hope you will check out this amazing website - Hyperlexicon - noted in the right hand column...
As some of you know, Ben, my just turned 4 ! grandson has been "diagnosed " with HYPERLEXIA a phenomenon which has its own set of challenges and daily joys and sadness. Rather than read scientific web pages explaining this rather unknown "condition," i think you would enjoy the bits and pieces of Ben's life that Christa so beautifully describes. The pictures that she paints of this amazing little boy are priceless and filled with information....
she is an amazing writer and as she describes any moments with ben, i can feel like i am right there with them....
even tho you may not know anyone who has hyperlexia, her writing is a joy and sheds so much life on a subject seemingly ignored by many....
it's worth it when you have the time to go back in the archives and follow this amazing journey.
the honesty and clarity that Christa brings to us is no less amazing than she is ......i am so proud and fortunate to have her as a daughter.......


Anonymous said...

I second the motion...this is a wonderfully descriptive blog about a beautiful boy and the mommy who loves him!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful words about a beautiful young lady. Geri