Saturday, April 26, 2008

bedtime with ben

i was delighted to spend some time with Ben and his grandparents judy and peter on wed....
he was very social and playful and we had a great time kite flying.....

i wanted to describe his bedtime scene as i am still in awe of his little routine and was amazed at how it worked....
after dinner - we played chase the naked boy, bury the naked boy in pillows and let's put on our "jammies".
without one bit of fuss - on went the pajamas, off to the bathroom to brush teeth which he enjoyed, use the potty and then into the bedroom for his nighttime ritual.
he goes to the bookshelf - and says - shall i choose the first one, the second one, the third one (up to the tenth one)
he then chooses one book.....then it's off with the overhead light. - -i leave the room as he sits down in his chair to read it to himself - puts it back chooses another and continues reading...
judy, peter and I are i the kitchen chatting and this little voice comes from the hallway - 'GOOD NIGHT'
just like that he knows it's time to go to bed - we go in the room - he's already snuggled in with his monkey and blankets and he gets his hugs and kisses good night from all of us......
gramma asks if he wants his "sleepy time music" CD - he answers yes and then it's off to sleep......
it may not be so smooth for his parents every night - altho they say it's pretty much the same.....
i would say this is every parent's dream scene for bedtime !!!!!


Anonymous said...

...sounds so sweet....

Anonymous said...

What an extremely interesting little boy Ben is....far more interesting than any other! I love reading about him. He is in all of your lives for a reason. I love you, Geri

Anonymous said...

What a darling boy. You must get such joy being with him. He has so much love from his parents and grandparents. That is wonderful. Keep up the good work Nana.
Love ya