Monday, September 01, 2008


who says there is nothing to wonder at in the world.....besides the roses, sun, moon, stars and the coming of day and night....there is the imagination of a 7 year old.....
Liam decided that if he tipped over the hand cart, put the big wheel on top he would have a means of transportation for his cousin who enjoyed his afternoon story time on the sidewalk being driven up and down....
those big shots and their limos have nothing on this ride !!!!!!
these will remain two of my all time favorite the way - i bought that big wheel for Liam's 2nd easter and it has become his favorite toy at nana's after 5 years !!!!! of course it's too small for him- but he doesn't care.... he likes to practice his skidding skills and now of course has a new use for it !!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the little bookworm reads on!!!!! Love you, Geri