Thursday, February 05, 2009

more stress

my pain meds have me very sleepy and groggy so don't have much energy to write.....
the visit to the orthopedic surgeon yesterday presented basically 2 options....
just wait and the fracture will eventually heal on its own -no knowledge of when.....weeks, ?months?
a procedure call Kyphoplasty which you can google or read this article.....
the procedure seems simple and non invasive, except that i am terrified of general anesthesia so am real hesitant.
my plan is to ask the surgeon some more questions before making any decision....
the stress of wondering what to do is very debilitating to add to all the other stresses.
i am being weaned off prednisone and can feel the pain of the Polymyalgia quite a bit.....
send energy and strength - i need it......!!!!
blessings to all as i face another mountain to climb with not a lot of energy to do so.......


Anonymous said...

Fear of the unknown is normal, but don't let it get in the way of making the right decision. The dance floor awaits you! Love you, Geri

Anonymous said...

I'm sending you love and energy, Eileen -- may your mind be at ease -- Love, Carolyn

Anonymous said...

I will light a candle for you tonight....Love ya!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am sure you will make the right decision. Only yours to do. Pain free sounds good to me and it will be some day for you. Love and prayers. Thinking of you lots !!!!!