Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Retreat to the Ocean

no appointments today..... first free day in a long time.... nervous about thursday's mammogram and ultrasound so decided to run away to the ocean where i always find healing and peace.
I walked a lot - sand walking is murder on the back and legs....extra pain tonite....
took my little camera and just took lots of pictures of the beauty....wish i had a better camera but am pleasantly surprised at what i did capture without a viewfinder in bright sun.....
there was even a sleeping seal and i had the beaches all to myself....
you can see them at Snapfish- it's free to join and look....
This beautiful face of the goddess was laying wait for me.....of course she came home with me....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, so cool! There are goddesses everywhere!! Love you, Geri