Wednesday, February 13, 2008

witness to life and death

my friend inger - across the street neighbor for 41 years is in the process of dying.... she has been having cheo for 2 years for cancer and the doctors have told her no more chemo and no more dr visits as they can do no more for her.....
she is very jaundiced because of liver failure and hospice is now a part of her daily routine.
she is pretty much confined to bed - they delivered a hospital bed today....
I am spending as much time as i can sitting with her...she asks for me a lot....
it is scary and sad to watch her slipping away altho she is a fighter and will probably live a lot longer than they expect....
i have watched my parents as they died and had friends and clients die but never had a friend that i see day to day as she is in the process of journeying to death....
i need strength to face this and don't have a lot physically or emotionally so am asking for any spare energy you can send my way...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll say a prayer that Inger will die in peace. Thanks to wonderful Hospice, she won't have pain. Geri