Monday, May 07, 2007


Temperature 93 degrees
hot flashes on top of that.....
then off to the air conditioned Y for exercise class.....
every bone in my body didn't want to go....but i did
rode the bike for 15 minutes - did 12 leg presses and 12 leg lifts and nearly collapsed......
"they" say listen to your body - it will never lie
the dr and the trainers say exercise and you will feel much better and get your strength back....
by the end of the hour i was shaking all over and in a complete meltdown crying.....
there is a a/2 hour relaxation meditation at the end which i did go to but couldn't relax.......
i don't know if i can do feels impossible but i will try a couple of more times before i decide if it's working....


Anonymous said...

you know....who said that you had to start with so much time on the bike?? who said that 12 leg presses and 12 leg lifts are the right amount for you at this time?? I know that your tears are not about how many or how few repetitions you did, but it surely couldn't hurt to start smaller if this level is overwhelming to you. Maybe for right now you just go and come back??

I'm so sorry that this is so difficult. It truly must be hell. I know it was for me when I first started exercising again. After all this time, I still can't do a lot, but I can do some. I hope that you will find that you can do some.

I applaud you for making this effort. Remember, one breath at a time.

Love you, Kathleen

Anonymous said...

You know that I am not an exercise guru or officianta. But consider what you did do. It does get easier when your body gets more used to it.

Did I ever tell you the joke that one of my orthopods once told me --
PT does not stand for Physical Therapist, but rather for Physical Terrorist. You could say the same for Physical Terror rather than Physical Therapy.

I say this to remind myself of all that since I am "looking forward" to an operation on my shoulder.
Eeeewwww! says my body, but it also say other things about the current pain in said shoulder.

Hang in there!

Love, meg

Anonymous said...

I hear how hard it is, Eileen.