Wednesday, May 09, 2007


i called and told the Y i wouldn't be there body is just screaming NO! and i don't think it smart to push and push it....
my daily treatments are still wearing me out and i a having horrific hot flashes so i just can't do it today....
i will try walking around the block when it cools off this evening...but right now i need to rest....
i planted and watered a a few things on the patio this morning and that seems to be all i can do right now....
i am holding the "BOTH/AND" of feeling badly about myself for not going today and good about listening to my body....
why is this all so difficult.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is all so difficult because you have difficult things to do. Your body is being asked to do an awful lot right now, and it faces many challenges. The pain alone is overwhelming. Add in the fatigue and the side effects of chemo and medications on top of that, and your burden is even heavier. Place the losses...of control, of independence, of trust, of energy on top and you have a recipe for hardship. Yet, you keep going. You keep trying. You take one step. This is all so difficult because it is difficult stuff. It is not some flaw in you. This IS hard. period.