So for the last year my life has changed so drastically - even i don't know who i am...i had breast cancer and survived..the cancer and the awful treatments.....
add to that a broken shoulder,
Lymphedema, daily drugs that cause side effects and pain and my life has surely been different....
i have slowed down tremendously, am always really tired, maybe sleep too much and have lost lots of enthusiasm for lots of things....i also miss my work tremendously....
talking to the counselor provided
thru the breast cancer community health project her guess is besides the medications, that my fatigue and blah feelings might be because given my previous life style - i am now
understimulated !!!!!! talking about it did make sense....
i spend too much time at home (looking at so much that needs attention - yet no energy to do anything ) so i get
overwhelmed......that coupled with
dr and physical therapy
appts is my life except for the too little time i spend with my little (and big) boys....
So she suggested i get moving and find things to stimulate me.....field trips away from the house.....things i used to do.....
so i have an assignment to do at least one thing this week.....not to overdo - but just 1 thing!!!!
now comes the choosing......