Monday, February 05, 2007

DOWN, DOWN, DOWN.........

The worst fatigue so far....except for a brief visit from Tim and Liam Sun a.m., i was in bed all day and today is no better....i just can't move...i barely have energy to eat....
this really sucks......


Anonymous said...

You can make it, Eileen... you're over half way now... you can do it... you're a strong, powerful WOMAN!

Love from oregon, jaki

Anonymous said...

You are right. This does suck. One shouldn't have to fight so hard just to live, breathe, survive. Yet, that is what you are doing. You don't have energy for other things because your body is using every bit of available energy to heal and to fight the cancer. Your task at hand is as simple and as hard as this: take one more breath. My wish for you is that your next breath will be easier. Sending you love...

Anonymous said...

Eileen, it's okay to be in bed all day. Even though it's not fun, it's okay. No one expects anything from you at this time so stop expecting anything from yourself. All you need to do is allow your body to dictate what it needs and just go along for the ride. I know you, and if you're not up and running, you beat yourself up. But this is a special time, a time for healing and you need to let go of any thoughts of doing anything except that. You always tell me to breathe when I'm losing it, now it's your turn....lay there and breathe! I love you immensely, Geri

Anonymous said...

You are strong...
You are fighting this...
You WILL beat this cancer!

Aloha nui loa tita!