Thursday, February 01, 2007


I can't believe i caught this glimpse moments ago through the trees on the a second she was gone again behind the clouds...

as i write tonite
the full moon shines through my window
looking close enough to touch
the heavy clouds play hide and seek with her
as she moves like a dancer
across the night sky
the fullness is amazing
the brightness sublime
and I am grateful for this moment
of beauty....


Anonymous said...

I keep trying to respond to you, but I think I have a blog block if there is such a thing. Keep having trouble sending anything. Anyhow, all the clever messages are gone with the blog devil. If this works, sending you love and peace and lunar blessings (!) Maureen

Anonymous said...

I see the moon, the moon sees me!!!! Geri

Anonymous said...

I saw this same moon last night - peeking through the trees. I thought about taking a picture of the moon but then I figured who would care. I'm so glad you care! I love you and all your thoughts!!!

Anonymous said...

Mara said..."grammie, it looks like a light in the sky!" Keep on keeping on... you'll make it!! Love