Saturday, April 28, 2007


as it is
my life has become bed, email, google news,
cable tv, watching birds at the feeder
and then the same all over again....
a shower means back to bed to regain strength
watering a plant the same
i want this to end
i want to get up and go
go visit my little boys
play with them
run and jump with them
have them here for sleep overs
treat them to french fries
watch them shoot a basket
swim in a pool
dance and sing with drums and flutes
want this fatigue to be gone
so i can have a life
with dancing
a trip to the beach
planting a rose bush
gathering flowers to perfume the house
i am tired
of tired
and for now life as it is


Anonymous said...

It really sucks that your fatigue has limited you so greatly in your world. You have so much to grieve at a time when you need all of your energy to just keep breathing. I'm sending you virtual hugs.

Anonymous said...

I hear you that being tired sucks and you long for energy to dance and play and gather rosebuds! Soon, my friend but I nkow not soon enough.