Monday, April 16, 2007


a visit to the orthopedic dr today checked the healing of my shoulder....he says it's going along - more slowly than usual as my immune system is compromised but it is on its way....range of motion is pretty good....but still not able to lift my arm - strength building has a long way to go....
Visit to the radiation oncologist also today ....i like him a lot - he is a very sweet, gentle man....
they will"map" the area tomorrow - an hour CT scan to tatoo the precise areas to be radiated....he is confident they can do it despite the pain and immobility of the shoulder... told me to take a double does of pain meds....
here's hoping i can get through it without too much pain....
the 2 appointments sure wore me out....
still dealing with chemo side effects.... awful fatigue, back and leg pain, a few mouth sores and scaly really itchy skin......


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Good luck tomorrow. You'll be in my thoughts. Think of good things while going through your mapping and time will pass. I love you, Geri