Thursday, April 12, 2007


Today has been a really hard day with pain.....not sure why it's worse today....
back and legs are in pain that is literally making me sick..... pain meds are not helping
sitting, standing, lying down..... nothing helps.....
i'm really discouraged....


Anonymous said...

So sorry you feel so bad. Just take one day at a time. Maybe tomorrow you'll feel a tiny bit better. I love you, Geri

Anonymous said...

pain sucks.
it colors our vision
it weakens our bodies
it muddles our minds
it breaks our hearts
it stifles our souls.
there is only so much we can do
and then we must endure the pain.
reaching out for something
we try to quiet the pain
but it will not subside.
In the end all we can do is breathe
and wait
for that one moment that finally arrives
when our pain changes shape and feel.
pain sucks.