Saturday, January 27, 2007


today i went to an exercise class for women going thru chemo. Someone had told me about it and scared as i was that i couldn't do it....i did it....
last nite i set an intention that i would get up early and drive to el camino hospital in mt view to try this group..... i knew it would be hard so needed the deliberate intention.
the class was from 9:30 to 11:00 - led by a nurse practitioner who is much more of a mover and shaker than i have ever been or will be.... she's beyond energy...!! I felt very safe knowing she is a nurse....part of my safety net i know i need....
there are about 25 women at all stages of chemo or other treatment and the "workout" is all about doing whatever you can do......i did much better than i thought - moved more than i thought i could - i'm feeling it already so expect to be sore tomorrow.
I was proud of myself not trying to push too hard.... i did a little bit of each move and then rested....
the session ends with a lights out, lay down, relax and visualization time so that was good although very hard for me to stay with.... i hope to get better at it...
I also made a wonderful connection with a woman who knows the people who run a LIVE BETTER, LIVE LONGER program for cancer patients at my local Y.'s free - don't have to join the Y - and they help you with a program at your own strength and level......she is going to get me the info to call about it.....
i feel very positive about the getting up early, driving and moving.... and plan to return next week.... it will only be 2 days after a treatment so hopefully i will be able to make it...
I will definitely set the intention with care and hope....
my dream is to keep moving.....

If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream.
Martin Luther King, jr.


Anonymous said...

Kamahao! Kamahao! (wonderful)...

Such an upbeat, exciting entry.... so full of hope, gratitude and wonder! I feel so good for you right now and in my heart of hearts hope this powerful energy stays with you. Ho'omaikai (congratulations) my Tita!

Anonymous said...

Eileen, I am proud of my big sister! What a great, upbeat experience for you. God sends you where you are meant to be. I love you, Geri

Anonymous said...

How wonderful!!! now that's an achievement. Hoorey!! give yourself a hug and a pat on the back. Congratulations!!!