Wednesday, January 10, 2007

So the darkness shall be the light
And the stillness be the dancing
Can I see the light
In such darkness
Can I feel the dance
In such stillness
Can I paint a picture
With only grey
Can I hear the singing
If the birds are gone
Can I dream the future
With the now in such a mess
Ah yes !
The dreams and the song
And the dance and the pictures
And the light are waiting
And with hope will be born again
And with love
The light and the dance
and the dreams and the song
will come forth


Anonymous said...

How very beautiful is this! I love it.

Hello! said...

What a beautiful and courageous woman you are! I was updating my own blog and wondered what would happen if I clicked "next blog." As if someone above knew what I needed at this moment, your blog appeared! I too am waiting for the light and the dance and the dreams and the song to come forth. Many wishes to you as you battle this monster! I look forward to pulling from your courage.

PJ said...

I love waking up in the morning and looking to see what beauty falls off your fingertips. A poem, a thought, a feeling... Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing your journey with us.


Anonymous said...

What an interesting site....just thinking of you.....and sending love....meg

Anonymous said... I read your sharings and the responses from the others who have been touched by your soul bearing I am overwhelmed by the closeness of the human spirit in its recognition of itself in each others' story. Thank prayers are always with you as you already know. Love, Pat H.