Sunday, January 07, 2007

Downhill Day

haven't much left bed all day... energy is below zero. headache hanging on....
did take a shower and what's left of my hair is falling everywhere.... - big mess and upsetting....
guess this is the way it will be - up and down the roller coaster and never knowing which......
Just have to learn to hold on tight...
If anyone ever doubted the power of words..... i have news for them..... it's amazing what a few words can do when one is lonely, afraid and tired.... tender words that you folks leave here help me face the day....
thank you for not trying to cheer me up or tell me how things will be better...
you have all been so great about just letting what is for right now be what is......
blessings and love


Anonymous said...

so sorry to hear that your roller coaster is in the downward decline today. Most roller coaster rides are pretty dizzy-ing and can take your breath away. My essence holds you gently, being present for you in the only way I can today. love you bunches

Anonymous said...

Here I am. I am here. The power of all these eyes and minds and hearts are with you. Sending a hug...

Anonymous said...

the wig looks wonderful. you wouldn't know if you didn't know:)

rest my friend, let the chemo do it's work.

love you

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you had another hard day. Thanks for sharing all of your ups and downs with us on your new blog. I hope that being able to capture your thoughts and experiences and know that so many people are reading and responding is a source of comfort and energy.

p.s. the wig looks amazing!

Tutu_times_3 said...

Eileen...Bill has kept me updated with your progress. Know that you are in my heart and prayers. As soon as you feel up to it, there's a warm home and private room just waiting for you here in Hawaii. Love, Mari

julie said...

Dear Lord,
You are Shepherd, Comforter, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, Refuge, Hiding Place, Great Physician, Friend. I am seeking Your Presence on behalf of Your child, Your precious creation, Your gift to the world, Your blessing to so many....Eileen. In Your tender arms, hold her. In Your strong arms carry her. Cover her with your blanket of healing. Assure her of the Hope that is hers. May Your Peace that passes all understanding reign in her soul. Amen.
